Pamela Kekst, our Assistant Director, shares this update:
Here during Machzor Sheinei (Second Session), our community is proud to take part in “Camper2Gether”, a project of the Jewish Agency for Israel, with coordination help from the Foundation for Jewish Camp. This project has brought children affected by the war in Israel to Jewish summer camps throughout the country this season.
We are currently hosting 11 rising 9th grade campers, who have integrated into adat ha-Bogrim (our division for entering 9th graders). These Israeli campers come from Kibbutzim up north in Israel, near the Lebanon border, and have been evacuated from their homes since Oct. 7th. Most of them have moved no fewer than seven times this year between hotels. In addition to the disruption of their school year, many of their parents and family members have been called up to serve in the IDF, further upending routines.
Our goal in hosting these campers is to provide a safe, stable, fun, and meaningful experience for them; to hopefully bring some joy into this difficult year. Each day, the campers attend chugim (electives) alongside their fellow Bogrim campers. (The kids report that jewelry making is a particular favorite!) They have joined our special week six Kishroniyah (specialty camp program) and are taking part in designing and painting the mural we will create this summer, among other groups. Medurot (campfires) are also a big hit with these campers, as is our water park!
Most of all, these campers have been eager to get to know to their peers here at camp. They have expressed that they are thrilled to discover all the cultural similarities and differences between American and Israeli teens. Coming from secular backgrounds, many of these campers were unfamiliar with the tefilot and some of the other Jewish rituals that we observe at camp. Teaching and learning hand motions to tefilot and birkat ha’mazon has been a highlight for the edah and a focal point on bonding that transcends language barriers. We are so proud to be part of this program, and to provide any support we can to our brothers and sisters in Israel. We hope camp continues to offer camaraderie, healing, and joy to this wonderful group of kids for the remainder of their time here.