Israel Education Offers New Opportunities L’Kulam (for everyone)! – by Ofek Moscovich

This summer, we enhanced our Israel Education programming with the addition of two new tzevet (staff) members – Ofek Moscovich (on the program team) and Nani Segal (who also serves as the yoetzet for Bogrim), who are responsible for expanding activities for both tzevet and chanichim (campers).
Throughout the kayitz (summer), every edah (division) has had peulot erev (evening activities) discussing Israel as a start-up nation, her geography and culture, and more. We introduced two new Israel chugim (electives) – Tzofim (Israeli Scouts) and outdoor Bishul (cooking) for Tzad Bet (B-side) chanichim. Over twenty tzrifim (bunks) have already experienced Israeli morning cooking and have learned about the roots of the food they created. Madrichim (counselors) have shared their experiences, both as Israelis living in Israel, and as Americans visiting Israel. Machon and Nivonim chanichim have participated in Israeli Limud (learning) and have had discussions about their Jewish identity and their relationship with Israel.
Building on these popular activities, we have sought to provide the following for both tzevet and chanichim:
- A non-confrontational forum for talking about Israel
- An opportunity to hear different voices that are part of the Israel landscape that might be less familiar to them – and to broaden their knowledge of and understanding about Israel beyond the Israel/Palestinian conflict
- The ability to to explore the role that Israel plays in the identities of American Jews
- Opportunities for both Americans and Israelis to share their own Israel stories
The highlight of the “Israel Experience” at camp was last Thursday’s Yom Yisrael (Israel Day), a day full of Israeli decorations, activities, food and music.