Palmer Triumphs in Yom JV Roo!

This week on Tuesday was Yom JV ROO! Our Magshimim & Bogrim sports teams competed in a day of sports with kids from Camp Ramah in the Berkshires!
I’m happy to report that Palmer triumphed, winning every event except softball.
Kol hakavod to all of the incredible athletes from both camps! We’re already looking forward to our second session Yom ROO, in which both varsity and JV teams will compete.
We’ve always had some non-competitive options as part of Yom Roo, such as scrabble and our dance team. (Click here to watch the dance team’s performance!) This year, we were also happy to introduce two new non-competitive options, band and musical performances! Both groups performed at the end of Yom Roo. Click here to watch the band performance, and click here to watch the musical performances!