Shabbat Nivonim Videos

The last Friday night of camp was, as always, Shabbat Nivonim.

The Nivonimers processed into the chorshah (grove), while tzevet (staff) who had been connected to that edah over the years sang to them.  Then, the edah performed a dance to Darkeinu.  (You can see a video of that above.)

Then, continuing a long-standing Ramah New England tradition, the edah sang uf gozal, marking the conclusion of their time as campers at Ramah.

Usually on Friday night during Kabbalat Shabbat, Rabbi Gelb gives a d’var Torah to the community. But on Shabbat Nivonim, one Nivonimer is chosen by the Niv staff to address the machane (camp). Here’s a recording of David J.’s d’var Torah:

The next day, during Shabbat Minchah, another Nivonimer gives a d’var Torah. Click here to read a transcript of the wonderful d’var given by Sasha G.

We’re so proud of all that adat ha-Nivonim 2024 accomplished this kayitz! We can’t wait to welcome them back as JCs (Junior Counselors) in 2026!