April Pre-Camp Reminders

Camper Forms:

  • Please click here to log in to your account, go to the “Forms and Documents” queue, check which forms are outstanding, and note that they are all due by May 1st.
  • Click here for instructions on how to access and manage your account.
  • Please reference the “Steps to Complete Between Now and Camp” document in your account for:
    • All form and tuition deadlines.
    • Complete instructions on camper forms and how to submit them in your CampMinder account.
  • Please submit a current Doctor’s exam (performed within 12 months of arriving at camp).  If you need an extension due to insurance scheduling regulations, please email joshczik@campramahne.org before the 5/1 deadline.

    • If you emailed and received confirmation that you have an extension on the doctor and immunization forms, they are still counted with the outstanding forms until they are received.  It is not necessary to email again.

Medications / Vitamins at Camp:

  • For most medications and vitamins, you are required to register with the camp pharmacy, Pack My Rx, at least 30 days before your child arrives at camp this summer.  (The Pack My Rx deadline is quite important and late fees apply.) Please see the “2022 Pack My Rx Information Packet” and register through their website as soon as possible. 
  • As your child’s safety is our primary concern, our mirpa’ah (Health Center) will also require that you fill out a complete list of your child’s medications and/or vitamins in the online “Medications/Vitamins Review Form” shortly before camp.  Stay tuned for further instructions when this form is activated in your account.
  • If your child has a prescription for an Epi-pen and/or a rescue inhaler, you may order these through Pack My Rx, or send 2 to camp yourselves. 
  • If your child has a prescription for an Epi-pen, you must also send us an updated Allergy Action Plan from your child’s physician.
  • If Your Child Will Take Lactaid at Camp, Please note that camp provides OTC Lactaid in the chadar ochel / dining hall before meals.  If your child requires Lactaid, please make sure to indicate this in their online Health History AND on the online Medication Review form so they are on the correct list to receive it.

Vaccination Requirement:

All eligible campers and staff must be up to date on their vaccinations, which now includes both the two initial doses of the COVID vaccine and the booster prior to the summer. This also applies to Gan campers ages five and up.

Camp Ramah New England requires all campers over 12 years old to be vaccinated with a dose of a meningococcal conjugate vaccine AND all teens 16 to 23 years old to be vaccinated with a booster as per CDC guidelines.

Transportation and Luggage:

  • Please reference our Camper Transportation and Luggage Overview for complete information about travel and luggage shipping requirements for this summer.
  • If required to ship luggage to and from camp per above, the Camp Trucking registration deadline is May 20th for First and Full session campers, and June 24th for those in Second or Mini sessions.
  • Please email Marggi Shechanah for transportation questions and e-mail Marci Galinkin for luggage questions.

 A Special Note About the Bunking and Notification Process:

  • The bunk request form was deactivated after the 4/1/22 deadline, but please rest assured that we received your request(s) if you submitted the form.  If you are a new applicant and missed the form, please read the instructions in your CampMinder account and email me immediately if your child has any requests.  We will do our best to honor them.  (Campers in Nivonim, Amitzim, Ma’avar, and Voc Ed do not complete the bunk request form.)
  • Please note that, although your child will be assigned to a bunk, you will not receive notification of this in June unless: 
    • You have submitted ALL required forms, and
    • You have paid in full, or you are current with a payment plan as pre-approved by our finance office.  Tuition payment or approval for a payment plan was required by 3/1/22.  If you’ve applied for financial assistance, your tuition deadline is 5/1/22.  Please email Ken Milgram, Finance Associate, at kmilgram@campramahne.org with any questions. 

Packing for Camp & Labeling Camper Belongings:

Please reference our Packing List and stay tuned for recommendations for sending masks to camp in Rabbi Gelb’s COVID update emails.  Please adjust the amount that you pack to the length of your child’s session and clearly label every item with your child’s first and last name.  For your convenience, you may order durable, waterproof, self-sticking name labels right from the home page of your CampMinder account.


Please let us know if we can help in any way!

Please e-mail Marggi Shechanah, Registrar/Office Manager, for all questions regarding transportation, forms, the registration process, etc.

For luggage related questions, please e-mail Marci Galinkin.

For all tuition and finance related questions, please e-mail our Finance Associate, Ken Milgram.

For all questions or concerns that are unique to your camper(s), please e-mail our Director of Camper Care, Talya Kalender.

Todah rabbah and we look forward to welcoming your child(ren) to camp!