Etz Hayim Legacy Society
You can commit to the long-term strength of Ramah New England by including Ramah in your estate plan – and becoming a member of our Etz Hayim Legacy Society. Your bequest or planned gift will become part of our endowment and will help keep our Ramah camps vibrant and strong for generations to come.
Your legacy commitment will help ensure that Ramah continues to:
- Provide scholarships to campers who could not attend our Ramah camps without them
- Deliver excellent and innovative education and programs
- Provide industry-leading special needs and inclusion programs, continuing the 50-year success of the Tikvah Program
- Train staff members and older campers to be the future leaders of the Jewish community
- Maintain and improve our facilities
Everyone can become a philanthropist, and a life-long supporter of Ramah New England. To learn more, please contact Seth Finkle, Development Director, via email.
“Camp Ramah has been a source of happy Jewish memories, associations and values for three generations of our family. It’s imperative that Ramah be enabled to continue its impact on future Jewish youth. Our gifts help to ensure this legacy, this continuity of family values. A Legacy gift is one of the easiest ones to make.” Adina Mendelson
“Ramah changed the direction of our lives as individuals, as a couple and as a family. We want to ensure that we provide for the future of Ramah, just as we have provided for our own family.” Arlene and Sanford Remz
Etz Hayim Legacy Society Members (as of November 2022)
Andrea Bayewitz
Deborah and Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer
Judith Beck and Richard Busis
Nancy Kriegel and Andrew Butler
Shulamith Reich Elster z”l
Karen and David Farbman
Jon Fraade
Robert A. Friedlander
Tamar and Rabbi Ed Gelb
Jody and Rob Gelfand
Marcia and Scott Glickman
Elissa and Saul Goldfarb
Lillian and Richard Gray
Carolyn J. Greene
Judy and Rabbi Gary Greene
Anne Tanhoff Greenspoon and Rabbi David Greenspoon
Harold Grinspoon
Linda and Dov Hyman
Abbey Frank and Rabbi Marc Israel
Lawrence D. Kaplan
Nadine Evans and Rafi Kieval
Gerald Kobell
Shari Levy z”l
Marci Galinkin and Stephen Levy
Fran Robins Liben and Rabbi Daniel Liben
Lisa Rosenfeld and Alan Lobovits
Adina and Sander Mendelson
Stacy Barnett Mozer and Gary Mozer
Noam Neusner
Susanne and Stacy Oshry
Esther Rosenberg and Michael Ostroff
Sheila and Rabbi Michael Panitz
Rhonda Parker and Steven Binney
George Posener z”l
Elizabeth and Robert Pressman
Sharon and Dr. Daniel Prober
Abby and Rabbi Evan Ravski
Arlene and Sanford Remz
Judy and Reuven Rohn
Susan and Stuart Salzberg
Eileen and Stephen Samuels
Erica and Jerry Silverman
Todd P. Silverstein
Deborah Chameides and Rabbi David Small
Linda and Bruce Stanger
Deborah A. and Wallace Zuckerman